Aralia (Plerandra Elegantissima)

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Aralia (Plerandra elegantissima), also known as Spider Aralia or Threadleaf Aralia, is a distinctive houseplant that is appreciated for its attractive foliage and unique appearance.

Botanical Name: Plerandra elegantissima
Family: Araliaceae
Plant Type: Perennial Mature
Size: Up to 6 ft high, 2-3 ft wide
Sun Exposure: Partial
Soil Type: Moist Soil
pH: Acidic to neutral
Bloom Time: Summer, fall 
Native Area: South Pacific

Care Guide:
Light: Prefers bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight can cause leaf tips and edges to turn brown.
Soil: Likes moist but well-draining soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH.
Water: Water when the top 1 to 2 inches of soil are dry. Avoid soggy soil as it can lead to root rot.
Temperature: Comfortable at room temperatures between 18 and 29 °C . Avoid temperatures below 15°C as it can damage the foliage.
Fertilizer: Fertilize every two weeks with liquid houseplant fertilizer in spring and summer, and monthly in fall and winter.
Pruning: Regular pruning can help maintain its shape and encourage fuller growth.
Repotting: Repot annually in spring using general-purpose potting soil and a pot just big enough to accommodate the roots.

Common Issues:
Leaf Drop: False Aralia doesn’t like to be moved; a sudden change in location can cause leaf drop. Make environmental changes gradually2.

Interesting Facts:
The juvenile plants tend to have more textured foliage, while the adult leaves are more deeply lobed1.
The lower foliage bears a strong resemblance to marijuana, but the plants are not related2.
It’s a slow-growing plant that stays at a manageable size for several years, making it an excellent choice for indoor spaces.

False Aralia is an immensely popular houseplant due to its beautifully textured foliage and feather-like appearance. It’s a pretty indoor plant that can handle a range of temperatures and doesn’t take up much space. Thanks to its slender growth habit, it’s perfect for small spaces and adds a touch of elegance to any room.

Remember to handle the plant with care and provide the right conditions for it to thrive. With proper care, your False Aralia will be a stunning addition to your home or garden.