Bougainvillea “New River”

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Bougainvillea ‘New River’ is a captivating hybrid variety known for its dense growth habit, vigorous nature, and impressive adaptability. It’s cultivated from Bougainvillea species native to South America. It is an evergreen, climbing shrub that can reach heights of up to 10-20 feet when mature, although its size can be easily managed through regular pruning.

The New River Purple Bougainvillea is known for its vibrant and long-lasting purple flowers that bloom during the spring and summer seasons.It can also be used as annual color in colder climates.


  • Scientific Name: Bougainvillea ‘New River’
  • Common Names: Purple Bougainvillea


This thorny plant prefers warm weather, but it can be grown in cooler climates without being affected by the dryness. Dry soil provides the best condition, along with frequent fertilization (monthly during spring and summer) and full sun. Excess watering can actually hinder the flourishing of the plant.



  • Like most Bougainvillea species, ‘New River’ prefers a full sun environment, requiring at least six hours of direct sunlight daily for optimal growth and blooming.
  • It can tolerate partial shade, but this may result in fewer blooms and less vibrant color.


  • When it comes to soil, ‘New River’ is relatively adaptable. It prefers well-draining soil and can tolerate a wide pH range, from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline.
  • However, poor drainage can lead to root rot, a serious concern for Bougainvilleas, so ensure your plant has sufficient drainage whether it’s planted in-ground or in a container.


  • Bougainvillea ‘New River’ is a drought-tolerant plant, capable of withstanding relatively dry conditions once established.
  • The watering regimen for ‘New River’ is generally based on a “soak and dry” method, which entails watering the plant thoroughly, then allowing the soil to dry out before the next watering.
  • Overwatering or consistently moist soil can lead to root diseases.


  • As for fertilizing, ‘New River’ typically doesn’t require heavy feeding.
  • If you choose to fertilize, do so during the blooming season with a high-phosphorus, low-nitrogen fertilizer to promote blooming and healthy growth.
  • Over-fertilizing can lead to a proliferation of foliage at the expense of bloms.


  • Pruning and training Bougainvillea ‘New River’ are key to maintaining its size, shape, and promoting vigorous blooming.
  • Since Bougainvillea blooms on new growth, pruning stimulates the plant to produce more branches, leading to more flowers.
  • Pruning should ideally be done in early spring before the onset of the blooming season.

The standout feature of ‘New River’ is undoubtedly its striking magenta-pink bracts that surround the small, white, true flowers of the plant. These bracts are typically seen in clusters and are almost paper-like in texture, providing a dramatic display of color throughout the plant’s blooming season.